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Actors and Networks  

Actors Activity Map

The EuroGCT project will develop a searchable map of the Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) landscape in Europe, including activity by stakeholders including academic, clinical, translational, industrial (contract research organisations, manufacturing facilities, biotech, pharma) and patient organisations. 

In the meantime, please see: 

ESGCT logo

ESGCT's Gene and Cell Therapy community heatmap and GMP facilities

ATMP Sweden

ATMP Sweden's ATMP map



Find here a list of societies, associations, regional, national and international networks for gene and cell therapy.

EuroGCT logo

Explore links to EuroGCT's 47 partner organisations, networks, and societies representing gene and cell therapy researchers across Europe.

National and International Societies


Regional Networks


EU Projects


Other International Projects




National Medicines Agencies


Other National Competent Authorities in EU

  • List of Competent Authorities for Tissues and Cells can be found here
  • List Competent Authorities for Blood and Blood Components can be found here


Research Ethics Committees


Training Providers

Catalogued educational resources and webinars on gene and cell therapies can be found by following the links below:

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